
Raising Burma

The launch of our new orphanage in Burma is truly exciting. It was last December when we jumped into this project head first with not only the anticipation of building a new home, but plans to help raise these children as if they were are very own.

The launch of our new orphanage in Burma is truly exciting. It was last December when we jumped into this project head first with not only the anticipation of building a new home, but plans to help raise these children as if they were are very own. This December we anticipate placing the final touches on the orphanage and the kids living in their newly constructed home by Christmas.

It was last November that I met Su Su, who was then 11 years old. Su Su is one of the young girls already living on the property and watching God answer her prayer for a new home. During a brief conversation we had with her almost a year ago, Su Su shared her favorite scripture verse with us. It was Psalm 1:1-3.

Naw Su Su Htwe

Naw Su Su Htwe

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in
the path of sinners, nor sits in the sea of the scornful; But his delight is in the
law of The Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a
tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose
leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.”

As she shared her story, her understanding of this verse became very real to me. The value Su Su placed on being in an environment where she could grow to prosper set the standard for World Compassion on how we will care for children in our orphanage.

Su Su, like many children in Burma, had a mom and dad as well as five older siblings. Her father died seven years ago and her mom tried to care for her, but ultimately gave up. Her mom gave Su Su to one of the older sisters to look after her, but as her sister begin to have children of her own, she couldn’t care for Su Su anymore.

One Sunday, her sister took her to the church and left her there. In addition to the tragedy Su Su experienced in losing her father, she was also left to endure the abandonment of her mother and older sister.

As she reflected on her situation she said, “I forgive my family and even though I sometimes miss them. The workers are kind here, they are like parents to us. They love us very much.”

At 11 years old, Su Su recognized the difference in the upbringing she was receiving at this orphanage compared to what she was receiving at home. She is being raised in an environment where she has come to know Jesus as her Lord and Savior. She understands that she is a new creation in Christ Jesus and that there is a plan and purpose for her life. She knows as she continues to grow in Christ and commits her ways to Him, whatever she puts her hand to will prosper. She is growing up under Godly counsel.

Although it’s a sad family situation for Su Su, what the devil meant for bad in her life, God has turned it for good. Su Su is now being raised in our orphanage where she will learn to discover and fulfill her purpose. She will leave knowing that God wants to use her to build His church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against her.

Su Su wants to become a doctor, and science is her favorite subject. If this continues to be a dream of Su Su’s, she will leave knowing that this is possible through Christ. There is no doubt in my mind she will go on to bring change through Christ to the medical field in her nation.

It was Su Su’s story that revealed to me the impact that this new orphanage really has. The revelation she shared has raised the standard of orphan care in our minds.


We are not just caring for orphans. Donors of this ministry, or those who chose to sponsor a child, are not just sponsoring a child. We are raising these children under Godly counsel, teaching them to meditate on God’s Word. They know they are like a tree planted by the river’s edge that will bring forth fruit in their lives. They leave knowing whatever they put their hand to – it will prosper.

Together, we are raising children who will go on in life, after living in our home, to fulfill the plan and purpose for their life and leave a mark on their nation. We are raising a generation who can and will change their nation for Christ.

This mindset has set the standard of care we will provide for these children. We are raising children just as if they were are very own.

For example, we do not want to just feed them rice and beans for their meals. Their daily diet consists of rice, vegetables, meat as well as other forms of protein. We have even hired a full-time cook to make sure they have 3 healthy meals a day.

We not only provide them with a roof over their head, but also an education. Donors who help raise a child through World Compassion in Burma help provide all of their school tuition, school uniforms, and school supplies for the complete school year – every year.

We make sure they have annual doctor check-ups and as-needed doctor visits and medicines.

Every child receives a Christmas gift and is celebrated as an individual on their birthday. Every need that they have we meet. That’s what those who are financially supporting one of these children provides.

As anyone who has ever raised children will know, providing for them well is not cheap.

In our city of Tulsa, OK, the seasons are changing. Summer has gone and fall is setting in. This weekend, as I was helping to get my son and daughter dressed for church, we discovered the pairs of pants that fit our kids just a couple months ago, no longer fit them. We thought we had planned well to stretch the use out a little longer, but to our amazement, our kids have already outgrown them. To make sure our kids are ready for the fall weather setting in this week, we will have to make an unanticipated shopping trip.

It isn’t any different for the children in Burma. They grow just like our kids do, which means a couple times a year, we have to make sure they have new everyday clothes in addition to school uniforms.

We also provide a salary for the full-time house mom and dad who live in the orphanage with the children, to create the best home environment we can for them. In addition to covering all the expenses to fully care for a child, the support of donors helps cover the salary of the house parents as well as all the maintenance and operating cost of the home itself.

Let’s remember as we give to these children in Burma, we’re not just sponsoring a child, we are raising children.

We are raising a generation who can change a nation.

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