People are coming to Christ at a rate that makes the Iranian Church one of the fastest growing in the world today, estimated at 10%+ each year!
For $9 (£8), you can put a Bible in the hands of someone in Iran and provide a local Iranian Christian with an effective one-on-one ministry opportunity.
People all over Iran are questioning their beliefs and turning away from their Islamic faith.
Iranians are hungry for the Truth, and their hearts and minds are open to a new way.
With millions of people who value religion in their life searching for God, there has never been a better time to share the Gospel in this nation.
In Iran, believers face persecution, imprisonment, and sometimes even death.
Despite the risk of heavy persecution for Christians in Iran, the Church is boldly sharing the message of Jesus, and people are coming to Christ at a rate that makes the Iranian Church one of the fastest growing ethnic churches in the world today!
To empower the Iranian church in evangelism and discipleship in the face of the regime’s tight grip on this nation, World Compassion helps deliver thousands of Bibles into Iran every year!
Each Bible is distributed by an Iranian Christian as a gift to a new believer or someone who is seeking truth. This creates an opportunity for connection with the local church body and allows for further discipleship to take place.
But this is not just about Bibles. This is about a nation of people who can be reached with the transforming message of the Gospel as their hearts stir with a desire for the one true God.
For pastors who do the difficult work of leading people in this environment, we offer leadership conferences for them to freely connect with one another while they receive fresh teaching and encouragement to pass along to their church. We also offer a discipleship program for leaders in churches across Iran.
You don’t have to travel to Iran to be a part of impacting the nation for Christ. For $9 (£8), you can put a Bible in the hands of someone in Iran and provide a local Iranian Christian with an effective one-on-one ministry opportunity.
God has empowered His people, including you, to change the world.
You can help empower a Christian in a nation restricted to the message of Jesus from right where you are.
Your giving is what helps transform the spiritual and physical lives of people around the world.