In January, we received a personal message online from a Christian in Tehran, who had been impacted by our video “Skyping in Secret.” He confirmed the what the believers in Iran told us over Skype and gave us a glimpse into the challenges he faces everyday as a Christian in Iran. This is what he told us:
Hello, it’s amazing how our wonderful Lord Jesus works! 🙂
I am an Iranian Christian and I am living in Tehran, Iran.
I watched your Skyping in Secret video, and I confirm that finding and having a Bible in Iran is very hard now. I have about 20 copies of Bible and New Testaments and I see so many who want one, but because of limitations, I can only give them to the people who show a touch of God in their lives. I personally have lots of Christian books in both paper and PDF, but only in English. So it is difficult to share those books with others since they can’t understand English.
We are ministering in hidden to people in Tehran and our focus for 2014 is on Healing, Deliverance and intercession. Not all of Iranian Christians are living in awakening of Holy Spirit, yet all are hungry. We will be happy to pray for protection of your ministry since you are so dear to us.
Please consider to pray more and more for us, we love you.
What Is The 2for$5 Campaign?
The 2for$5 campaign is a special initiative to raise funds to pay for the delivery of 10,000 Bibles into Iran by the end of June. $5 ships 2 Bibles into Iran, where Bibles have been #forbidden for over 30 years.
Through the 2for$5 campaign, you can provide the Word of God to a Christian or Muslim who has been desperately seeking one for years. If having a Bible has blessed you, would you consider providing that same blessing to someone else today?
It’s quick and easy. Use the form below to choose how many Bibles you would like to send to those searching for the truth in Iran.