
Progress in the Middle East

Dr. Terry Law, founder and President of World Compassion has just returned from visiting the Middle East in an effort to address the Syrian refugee crisis by opening governmental doors and rallying churches.

Dr. Terry Law, founder and President of World Compassion has just returned from visiting the Middle East in an effort to address the Syrian refugee crisis by opening governmental doors and rallying churches.

Regardless of what side you land on, military intervention or not, there remains an immense refugee crisis that has not been properly addressed. With over 2 million Syrian refugees spread throughout Kurdistan, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan. Middle Eastern countries are struggling to cope with supporting their new residents by providing even the basic necessities for life.

Dr. Law met with the Minister of the Interior Karim Sinjari of the Kurdish Regional Government to discuss in detail the current refugee crisis. The Kurdish Regional Government expressed the need for NGOs to participate immediately, primarily due to their speed and effectiveness in getting things done. Christian relief organizations also bring a human element that touches lives in a way that legislation cannot.

Minister Sinjari stated that the urgent need has increased as 60,000 Syrian refugees have fled Syria into Kurdistan in just the past 21 days. The refugee population has swelled in this budding federal region to just over 200,000. The Kurdish Regional Government is struggling to provide support for the mass influx of refugees.

What Dr. Law found impacting as he visited refugee camps in Domiz, Erbil, and Koya was the mass influx of middle class Syrians. “These are not impoverished people, they are regular people of means much like Americans.” Unfortunately, Syrian refugees have suffered immense human tragedy through war crimes and the slaughter of fellow Syrian civilians.

World Compassion began regular humanitarian relief distributions in Kurdistan for Syrian refugees back in February. During this trip, Dr. Law and a team of World Compassion employees and volunteers distributed a two-week food supply to over 2,000 refugees.

World Compassion is working hard to provide monthly food distributions to 2,000 Syrian refugees located in Koya, Northern Iraq. Along with the regular food distributions, we also provide Bibles and The Story of Jesus booklets. These are distributed by local Christian pastors whom World Compassion partners with. These local pastors provide ongoing weekly discipleship to spiritually hungry Syrian refugees.

You have an opportunity to bring change today by providing food, a Bible and support a local pastor who is providing personal ministry to Syrian refugees located on Koya, Northern Iraq. You can provide all of this to a refugee for $25 or to a family of four for $100.

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