
The Opportunity Ahead of Us

Right now, there are both Christian and non-Christians suffering at the hands of evil terrorist groups. We have an opportunity to do what Jesus told us to do for these people. They are hungry, thirsty, strangers (refugees) in a new land, without clothes, sick, and in a prison – emotionally and physically – of hopelessness.

Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me. – Matthew 25:40

The actions Jesus is referring to in Matthew 25:40 are seeing the hungry and feeding them, giving the thirsty a drink, taking in strangers, clothing those without clothes, caring for the sick, and finally, visiting those in prison.

We should ask ourselves where we place our value. What are we making a priority in our life? Are we prioritizing God’s agenda or our own?

Right now, there are both Christian and non-Christians suffering at the hands of evil terrorist groups. We have an opportunity to do what Jesus told us to do for these people. They are hungry, thirsty, strangers (refugees) in a new land, without clothes, sick, and in a prison – emotionally and physically – of hopelessness.

Look at this verse in Galatians 6, verse 10.

So then, as we have opportunity, let us work that which is good toward all men, and especially toward them that are of the household of the faith.

It’s like we are being coached by Jesus and the apostles on how to respond to this crisis in the Middle East. There is no greater opportunity than right now. The attacks on humanity are greater than any we have seen in our lifetime. People are suffering right now and many are our brothers and sisters in Jesus.

World Compassion is reaching out to over 8,400 refugees every month in the region of Kurdistan. We are working with the local church on the ground to meet the needs of refugees as well as share with them the Hope of the Gospel.

Will you join us? Will you do what we are required by Jesus to do and respond to those who fit this criteria: hungry, thirsty, strangers, without clothes, sick and imprisoned?

It costs $25 per month to feed a refugee, or $100 per month to feed a family of four. We hope you will prayerfully consider touching the life of a refugee with the basic food items they need to survive!

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World Compassion Terry Law Ministries d/b/a World Compassion and its affiliates are not a part of nor associated with Compassion International. Your gift will be used for these projects and many other outreaches of World Compassion Terry Law Ministries.

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News + Stories

Explore thought-provoking articles, interviews, and events that encourage a deeper understanding of how our beliefs can positively impact society and inspire meaningful change.

Reaching Thousands With The Gospel This Christmas

As Christmas approaches, our teams around the world are preparing to share the message of Jesus in some of the most unreached places.

The Fight of the Underground Church in China

At our upcoming China Leadership Conference, we will be training persecuted church leaders and strategizing about expanding their impact.

Mobilizing Disciples to Bring Relief

Our network of pastors are uniquely positioned to bring relief and share the message of Jesus to thousands in this war-torn country.
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    We welcome any questions, comments, or inquiries about our organization and mission. Through relief work, church partnerships, discipleship training, and leadership development, we aim to spread the transformative love of Christ. Contact us to learn more, partner in our mission, or share any prayer requests.