
Millions Of Hearts Are Open In Iran

Iran is home to the fastest growing Christian church in the world. We have shared before that many experts believe the Iranian church is now growing at over 19% a year.


Pastor Abraham, an Iranian Pastor

Iran is home to the fastest growing Christian church in the world. We have shared before that many experts believe the Iranian church is now growing at over 19% a year.

Growth like this is the result of a widespread evangelistic movement.

Daily, believers are being added in number because Christians inside Iran have embraced the Great Commission. Ordinary people are evangelizing an entire nation – one by one by one in their everyday life.

In other words, evangelism is a lifestyle, not a ministry event.

When we think of evangelism, we often think of someone on the street corner handing out tracts or a group of students on a mission trip or some kind of outreach – an isolated event at an appointed time.

One Iranian pastor told us, “This is something that people outside of Iran must know. It is not like we have one day or one time dedicated to go do street evangelism.

Maybe 30 or 35 years ago, we would go outside, find some people, and, if we felt comfortable and secure, pass them a Bible.

It is not like that now. There is not that freedom. At the same time, it is a very, very good opportunity.

Right now, there are so many hungry people, even in our own circle of friends and family – we have so many opportunities where we can share.

The demand is high. We don’t have to go to the street. The opportunity is right next to our home, right in our immediate family.”

Another pastor shared a real-time example of how this is happening with a young lady in his church.

Recently, this woman got in touch with about 40 of her classmates from high school for a reunion. As they reconnected, she discovered that three of them are believers.

These believers now get together once a month. One of the things they are talking about is how they can engage the other 37 people in their friend group with the Gospel.

Imagine this young lady being able to offer a gift of a Bible to her classmates. That gift of a Bible opens up the door to conversation and an opportunity for them to share the Gospel further.

Evangelism in Iran begins just like this: believers taking the opportunity that is right in front of them to share Christ with their neighbors!

This is why World Compassion set a goal to get Bibles to 100,000 people in Iran this year! To reach 100,000 people!

Every Bible empowers and mobilizes the world’s most potent evangelistic movement in one of the world’s most restricted nations.

Look at what’s happening by the numbers…

The latest census out of Iran reports that 99.4% of its 84 million people follow Islam. That’s a staggering majority.

Yet research shows that out of the 99.4% reported Muslims, only 40% actually identify as Muslim.

What happened to the other 59.4%? The other 49,896,000 people?

One of our Bible distributors recently explained:

“Step by step, over the last three or four decades, the Iranian government has helped people to find out, to finally know the reality of Islam.

Sometimes we say that if 100 missionaries worked in Iran for 100 years, they could never accomplish this. Our government showed the reality of Islam.

When we say people in Iran are hungry, “hungry” means they found out they are in the wrong position. They are seeking truth. It creates a big responsibility for us.”

This is huge! Over the past 20 years, more than half of what used to be a devout Islamic nation has been turning their back on the faith of their ancestors and is now seeking out truth for themselves – on account of the Iranian government’s leadership. We sense this momentum is escalating!

The iron fist of the Iranian regime has turned nearly 50 million hearts away from Islam that are now searching for another faith!

It is in this environment that Chrisitianity has exploded and the evangelistic movement has been birthed!

One Bible in the hands of a Christian sets into motion the faith of the person who receives it and adds to the network of evangelists and Bible distributors who are carrying the Gospel across Iran.

When you help us send Bibles, we don’t send them in hopes that they will be utilized or distributed.

Rather, you are meeting a need that already exists. People are waiting for these Bibles. The Bibles you give are satisfying the hunger for those searching for truth and empowering an evangelistic movement.

We set a goal to provide 100,000 people with a Bible this year in Iran. At the start of the year, we had delays with smuggling routes due to security – so we have some ground to make up!

We still have 75,000 Bibles left to reach our goal for 2022. Each Bible costs $7 (£6). That is $525,000 (£450,000) needed before the end of the year.

Will you help us reach these 75,000 people who are waiting for a Bible in Iran?

After all the delays early on and the open doors we have now, we feel a sense of urgency to respond quickly. We need your help getting these Bibles into the hands of the right people inside Iran.

Here are a few examples that help show the impact you could have. A gift of:

  • $35 (£30) equips 5 evangelists and reaches 5 seekers with a Bible
  • $350 (£300) equips 50 evangelists and reaches 50 seekers with a Bible
  • $3,500 (£3,000) equips 500 evangelists and reaches 500 seekers with a Bible

Take a minute and decide: how many people can you help reach in Iran today? Your gift will be put into immediate action to move these Bibles.

There is unprecedented opportunity to see this Muslim nation awaken for Christ. Iranians are leaving Islam; Christians are poised to share the Gospel.

Let’s get them the tools they need!

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