“Going Deeper with Discipleship”
500 new students started our Bible and Mission training programs in China and Myanmar over the past few weeks, and 1,015 more will be starting soon! This will leave us with 5,985 more to reach our goal.
In August, we had 566 students graduate from our ABC course in China! That’s 1,105 students who have finished this year so far…thank you to all who have given toward this.”
“I remember one of my first trips into China with my dad and brother. We strapped Bibles on our bodies and smuggled them into China. We had several around our waist and hundreds in our suitcases.
Just before flying in, I remember waking up early in the morning in our hotel room, rolling over to see my dad kneeling and praying on a chair in our room.
I could hear him speaking softly, praying and asking God if we were to go through with the trip, asking for his wisdom and safety as we moved forward. It marked me. It helped set the course for how I lead World Compassion today.
My dad was passionate about God’s Word and getting the full truth of the Gospel to countries where the message of Jesus was restricted. One of the things that he helped pioneer was our ABC Discipleship program we use today in China and Myanmar.
For over 50 years, we have carried out this mission, and we will continue to honor my father’s legacy and vision through the work of World Compassion.”
“My dad moved on to heaven on August 31, 2020. I’m so proud of him.
He was a fighter, a man of mission, compassion and grit to see the Gospel advanced in so many unique ways in hostile environments.
He was full of vision and tenacious faith to see it come to pass. He didn’t understand or accept obstacles. He simply ignored them and went about his mission. Something he has left behind in so many of us.
He holds a legacy of imparting and inspiring people to “go”, to fulfill their purpose, to do their part to reach the world for Jesus.
Millions of people were impacted by the message of Jesus not just from him personally, but through the thousands he inspired to do likewise. I am one of them.
I’m forever grateful to my dad who adopted my sister and me, welcoming us into his family as his own. One of the values he taught me was investing in experiences to create memories is more important than buying things. As a result he left his children with a lifetime of amazing memories.
Words will never be able to fully communicate my appreciation for what he has done for me and meant to me. My belief is by continuing his legacy, we will honor him well into the future.
He deposited so many great mindsets, values and character traits in my life and our family that will continue to live on.
He leaves behind an army of warriors. My dad truly is a person of legacy.
I love you dad!”
Help provide discipleship training to Christians in China and Myanmar
Each gift of $50 (£40) helps the Gospel take root in the lives of people World Compassion is helping to disciple in restricted nations.
You can use your voice! Follow us on our social media and sign up to receive our Insider Emails to share this information and inspire others to help reach nations restricted to the Gospel.”
This month please pray for: Government restrictions of large groups to lift