
I Am Full of Joy

By studying this course [ABC BIBLE TRAINING CURRICULUM], I understand that every Word from God is true and real.

The following encouragement is a testimony from an ABC student in China.

By studying this course [ABC BIBLE TRAINING CURRICULUM], I understand that every Word from God is true and real.

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus told His disciples to “seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.” God does not hope that we only care about our own needs and forget that our main purpose is to do His will. If we obey His will, He will give us all we need and more than we could expect, even when we don’t seek anything for ourselves.

I took this word to heart and started to do what God wanted of me- instead of praying eagerly for my own physical needs, I sought God and prayed for others. Now I am not worried anymore, but full of joy. God has blessed my life abundantly. Glories to the Lord!

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Entrenched in the Rebuild of Iraq

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