
Give Glory to God, Not Your Enemies

There has been much teaching on “intersession”…. Unfortunately, sometimes we are prone to cast spiritual warfare in a wrong light. Of course we cannot ignore the enemy of our souls, but neither should we lavish attention on him.

There has been much teaching on “intersession”…. Unfortunately, sometimes we are prone to cast spiritual warfare in a wrong light. Of course we cannot ignore the enemy of our souls, but neither should we lavish attention on him.

Every human being on earth, including you, is under siege, although most of us have never fired a shot in self-defense. Whether we like it or not, life is war. The father of all terrorism hates us, and we must resist him or die.

But there is something different about spiritual war, about the way it is fought. In fact, God has given us instructions that any military strategist would pronounce suicidal: you and I are called to march into the middle of the battlefield and then turn our focus away from the enemy. We are called to sing, to celebrate God while the enemy falls before us!

Saint Peter said we were called “…out of darkness into His marvelous light.” Are these two separate events? When you walk into a dark room, are there two switches, one to turn off the darkness and one to turn on the light? Of course not! Light automatically dispels darkness, as it has throughout the history of the universe. There has never been a single occasion… where light has coexisted for a single nanosecond with darkness.

There were only two reasons for the men of ancient Israel to assemble in Jerusalem—to celebrate God in sacred festivals, and to gather for war. That is a key principle of this book (The Power of Praise and Worship): spiritually speaking, the two are one and the same. The celebration of God is simultaneously an act of war!

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The Persecuted Pastors of Iran

Over the past several months the church in Iran has been experiencing increased persecution and surveillance.

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