
Exciting Expectations

For the past several years, our church has started the New Year with a corporate Daniel fast. It’s a time in which we choose to fast certain types of food for an extended period of time for spiritual purposes. We do this to humble ourselves before God, quiet our bodies to its desires, and seek God's face for what He wants to do in us, and through us, in the upcoming year.

Have you ever had the feeling something good was coming, even if you couldn’t pinpoint what it was or how it may happen?

That feeling is hope (Romans 8:24-25). Hope is defined as the joyful expectation of the goodness of God. As we go into 2015, I am already filled with great expectations of what God is doing in my life personally, my family, in our ministry at World Compassion, and the church we attend.

For the past several years, our church has started the New Year with a corporate Daniel fast. It’s a time in which we choose to fast certain types of food for an extended period of time for spiritual purposes. We do this to humble ourselves before God, quiet our bodies to its desires, and seek God’s face for what He wants to do in us, and through us, in the upcoming year.

During this season, a common question asked is “What are you believing God for this year?” While you may have some specific things you’re believing God for, it’s possible you may not yet understand how they will come to pass or how they will work out. Even without knowing specifics and only seeing some pieces to the puzzle (so to speak), we can still carry an excitable expectation for what’s ahead in 2015.

I believe this expectation rests primarily on the trust of God’s Word.

We can be expectant that God is working everything together for us, our families, and the work we are involved in for our good, because we know we love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

The other night as I was putting my daughter to bed, she was telling me about some of her most enjoyable moments from the Christmas and New Year’s season. As we ended our discussion and prayer before bed, she begin giggling almost uncontrollably. I asked her what was so funny, and she said “I don’t know, I’m just excited.”

I asked again, “What are you excited about?” But she didn’t have anything specific in mind. She was simply excited for what was coming up next.

This moment ministered to me and made my thoughts and feelings about 2015 clear. She put into words the feeling of hope I’ve been experiencing. Simply put, I just have an exciting expectation that God is molding me, shaping me and has great things in store for us in 2015.

1 Corinthians 2:9 says, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

Living in hope – in excitable expectation – actually creates the right mindset, giving us a free spirit and a clean heart, and positions us in a place of faith to receive good things from God. You don’t have to do anything but rest in this truth.

As we go into a New Year, be encouraged and expectant that God has great things for you. Seek Him about what He wants to do in your life and through your life. You may not know specifics, but you can take Him at His Word, trusting Him to reveal them to you by the power of His Holy Spirit.

So be free. Get excited. Rejoice in hope and enjoy the adventure of trusting God.

Suggested Reading:
Romans 12:12
Romans 8:28
Matthew 18:1-5
1 Corinthians 2:9
Romans 8:24-25


Interview with Living Sound Drummer

Duncan Grantz went on the adventure of a lifetime with World Compassion when he traveled to Burma to play drums for Living Sound last November. But little did he know, God had plans to impact his life far beyond the performance stage – his heart was stolen by the children at the World Compassion’s children’s home.

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