
Cuba Surprise

Pastor Jorge and Doris have been working hard for 11 years under difficult conditions, slowly adding to their “house” in order to make room for their growing church.

A Surprise for Faithful Church Planters in Cuba

Pastor Jorge and Doris have been working hard for 11 years under difficult conditions, slowly adding to their “house” in order to make room for their growing church.

As a result, pastors use their homes to host tens and sometimes hundreds of people every week for church.

What many of us have been experiencing by having church in our homes the past several weeks is more like how the Cuban Church meets every week. Our new normal is their normal.

For Pastor Jorge and Dorris, this has been an 11-year journey. Their church is growing, and they have had to use their master bedroom as their children’s ministry space.

Can you imagine 30 kids meeting in your bedroom every week?

On our last trip to Cuba, we were able to surprise them with $10,000 (£7,745) to help finish the first phase of their house church build out.

You can help reach more people for Jesus in Cuba by helping plant more churches across this communist nation.

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