
Church Planting in Burma

For eight years, World Compassion and our partners have supported a pastor in Myanmar with a passion and vision to reach his nation for Christ- and this year we are seeing that vision take incredible new ground in the country.

For eight years, World Compassion and our partners have supported a pastor in Myanmar with a passion and vision to reach his nation for Christ- and this year we are seeing that vision take incredible new ground in the country.

Eight years ago when our team met Pastor Tun Baw in Myanmar, he shared his strategic vision for planting churches throughout the region – starting a ministry and training center for future church planters in a nation that is 89% Buddhist. He shared how he would like to build the first Christian orphanage in his city of 100,000 people. He had 6 orphans living in his home but expressed he could help more when they built an orphanage. Today, because of partners like you we have helped build an orphanage that can house up to 38 children comfortably. We empower the church to care for those children through sponsorships. We helped pastor Tun Baw launch a fresh new ministry training center, providing a curriculum with over 300 lessons in Burmese and building a brand new dormitory helping to train 40 future church planters every year. Not only were we able to help them build these necessary buildings, but also train them to run effective programs and provide them with ongoing coaching and accountability as they carry the vision forward.

What’s amazing now is this vision is spreading throughout the southern region of Myanmar. Just last year we were able to help build a new church facility for pastor Kah Doh Say, one of the students who graduated the ministry training program last year. In September they held their first service, and they are the first Christian church in his town. This church property is not only a place for the church to meet but will be place to run various programs that will help reach into their surrounding community, ultimately reaching people for Jesus.  

This month, we are linking arms with a pastor in the northern region of the country. Pastor Aung Kyaw is 38 years old and has been pastoring a growing church in Myanmar for five years. Every Wednesday evening and Saturday they have teams that go door to door, visiting with families in their community, building relationships with them, praying for them and leading people to Jesus. They are currently renting a small one room bamboo building to meet in. Their church is growing and can not fit everyone inside. In addition there’s no room for children to learn in a way that is relatable to them. We are aiming to help him build a new facility. Just like Pastor Tun Baw, he has a vision to impact his community. Your gift today to help him build his own facility can help them make a much bigger impact.

Pastor Kyaw’s church wants to help provide kids in their community with a better education and offer Buddhist families a Christian pre-school to send their kids to. They want to provide a small medical clinic for those who can’t get basic medical attention. This new church facility will not only provide them reasonable space to meet as a church and continue growing, but it also provides the space to run these other ministry programs. The building will be used not just on Sundays but every day of the week.
We’ve already had blueprints drawn up and cost estimates are in. We need to raise roughly $62,000 in the next 45 days to complete this project and get the construction under way. Just like Pastor Tun Baw or Kah Doh Say, Pastor Aung Kyaw’s church will become another beacon of light showing God’s love to this area of Myanmar, reaching people in this extremely Buddhist nation. Let’s lock arms, start this year off strong and go serve our church family in Myanmar in a big way this month.

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