
Church Partnership

Helping develop your church's mission strategy.

What We Can Achieve Together

Connecting you with the body of Christ throughout the world.

We work through the local church in target countries to create sustainable transformation in each environment.

Reaching Hostile Nations
Reaching Hostile Nations

Connect to the far reaches of the world where access is limited, restrictions are tight, and the Church is desperate for help.


Experience a personalized global mission strategy that directly impacts people and accomplishes compassion-evangelism projects.


We work through the local church in target countries to create sustainable transformation in each environment.

Reaching Hostile Nations
Reaching Hostile Nations

Connect to the far reaches of the world where access is limited, restrictions are tight, and the Church is desperate for help.


Experience a personalized global mission strategy that directly impacts people and accomplishes compassion-evangelism projects.

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We work through the local church in target countries to create sustainable transformation in each environment.

Reaching Hostile Nations
Reaching Hostile Nations

Connect to the far reaches of the world where access is limited, restrictions are tight, and the Church is desperate for help.


Experience a personalized global mission strategy that directly impacts people and accomplishes compassion-evangelism projects.


We work through the local church in target countries to create sustainable transformation in each environment.

Reaching Hostile Nations
Reaching Hostile Nations

Connect to the far reaches of the world where access is limited, restrictions are tight, and the Church is desperate for help.


Experience a personalized global mission strategy that directly impacts people and accomplishes compassion-evangelism projects.

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What We Do For You

Our team has a streamlined system that provides your church with updates from “on the ground” about the projects you support around the world. These services are designed to help celebrate the victories we are winning together and the direct impact made through your support.

Customized Resources

We provide customized videos, photos, stories, blogs, and email updates sent directly to your church staff every month to keep you aware of the impact you are making in projects worldwide.

Connection To Our Staff

Our goal is to make sure you are confident and equipped to communicate to your congregation the impact they’re making around the world. Our church partners have access to our staff just like they’re down the hall.

Stronger Strategy

We are in regular communication with our staff and church leaders in target nations, providing resources, encouragement, and direction as necessary. We ensure the highest level of ministry possible while cultivating a mindset of “working together.”

We believe that by effectively connecting you to the mission field in other nations, we will help you cultivate a culture of outreach within your church.

What We Do For You

Our team has a streamlined system that provides your church with updates from “on the ground” about the projects you support around the world. These services are designed to help celebrate the victories we are winning together and the direct impact made through your support.

Customized Resources

We provide customized videos, photos, stories, blogs, and email updates sent directly to your church staff every month to keep you aware of the impact you are making in projects worldwide.

Connection To Our Staff

Our goal is to make sure you are confident and equipped to communicate to your congregation the impact they’re making around the world. Our church partners have access to our staff just like they’re down the hall.

Stronger Strategy

We are in regular communication with our staff and church leaders in target nations, providing resources, encouragement, and direction as necessary. We ensure the highest level of ministry possible while cultivating a mindset of “working together.”

We believe that by effectively connecting you to the mission field in other nations, we will help you cultivate a culture of outreach within your church.

Where We Work

Iraq - Refugee Relief

Even after their defeat, the damage caused by ISIS in Iraq continues to haunt their nation. World Compassion is working with local churches in Iraq to provide for the physical and spiritual needs of women and their families who have lost loved ones at the hands of ISIS brutality and restore the lives of people in the region through a vocational school, mobile medical clinic, and small business grants for Christian families.

China - Discipling Believers Underground

Though underground, the Chinese Church will not relent under the pressures of a communist government, and we are supporting our brothers and sisters to that end. Hundreds of thousands of men and women are coming to Christ, yet often their knowledge and understanding of the Bible is limited. With tight restrictions necessitating smaller gatherings, the demand for trained church leaders is higher than ever.

Myanmar - Raising Up Pastors & Churches

Through Bible training and church planting, we are raising up disciples to blanket the nation of Myanmar with the love of Christ. With changes in the government and more freedom for Christians, we believe there is an unprecedented opportunity to affect the nation.

Iran - Bibles Across Borders

World Compassion has delivered over 285,000 Bibles to new believers and those seeking truth in Iran, a nation where Bible distribution has been outlawed for 40 years! The next generation in Iran is poised for God to move and is hungry for tremendous change. Each Bible helps make a new connection in the underground house church where new Christians can find community, encouragement, and discipleship.

Cuba - Accelerating Church Planting

Cuba’s government and economy make life difficult for the Church, yet the Gospel is still spreading and small house churches are growing faster than they can handle. We can help local churches go forward faster by providing resources to transform their house churches into inviting spaces that can help them reach even more people with the Good News.

Country Title

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What It Looks Like

Changing Lives

Changing the lives of people living in difficult environments around the world by meeting practical needs and delivering the message of Jesus.


Working in areas of the world you may not already be reaching and making a bigger impact by coordinating and pooling our resources.


Joining a unified movement of churches from various denominational backgrounds around the world, answering the call of Christ to unite with other believers as One Body, and demonstrating the way in which Jesus Himself prayed we would show His love to the world.

Strategic Effort

Playing a vital part of a strategic and focused effort that is effectively training and empowering indigenous believers to minister the Gospel in their own community – reducing travel costs, helping with language and cultural barriers, and allowing for life-changing ministry work to continue 365 days a year.

Let's get things started!

We would love the opportunity to connect with you and discuss how partnering together could benefit these believers and provide your church with a broader reach!

Board of Directors

A board of directors is responsible for the leadership of World Compassion. This board meets regularly and reviews the operations of the ministry. The current USA board was elected on December 6, 2024.

World Compassion strives to be financially accountable and transparent in everything that we do. We are a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). ECFA holds member organizations to seven standards of accountability.

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    Get in Touch

    We welcome any questions, comments, or inquiries about our organization and mission. Through relief work, church partnerships, discipleship training, and leadership development, we aim to spread the transformative love of Christ. Contact us to learn more, partner in our mission, or share any prayer requests.