Why did World Compassion create the China Mission School? We have to go back nearly twenty years and 7,000 miles for our answer…
In the late 1990’s my assistant Joel and I flew to Beijing, China, to meet one of the five primary “uncles” who lead somewhere around 50 million believers in the nation’s burgeoning house-church movement of more than 100 million. Although China appears to have adopted many Western customs and liberties, it remains a communist nation, a fact made very evident by the government’s relentless persecution of Christians.
We were profoundly honored to meet apostolic leaders and hear them describe their service to God and His wonders among them in China. Eventually one of them, “Uncle Z,” began to unfold an incredible vision that is shared by millions of Chinese believers.
“When the Gospel went out of Jerusalem in the first century,” he began, “it traveled primarily northward to Europe and Asia Minor. Over the succeeding centuries it has continued moving west, and also spread southward into Africa and South America. Eventually the message of Christ crossed the Pacific Ocean and came to the Asia nations, and spread across China.”
I was impressed by this humble man’s grasp of church history as well as his apparent wisdom. Where is he headed? I wondered as Z continued.
“We believe that Jesus’ Great Commission to the Church will be fulfilled only when the circle is complete. We believe that God has called us to take His Gospel across Asia, through the Muslim world, all the way back to Jerusalem. But we do not know anything about Islam, and we know that we need formal training in order to prepare for such a mission. Will you help fulfill our vision?”
Equally stunned and inspired, I vowed that we would help in every way possible. My son, Scot, and daughter-in-law, Kathy, subsequently developed our China Mission School that now trains Chinese believers to evangelize in Muslim lands.
As I write, Uncle Z is in prison for his faith in Jesus, but his vision cannot be stopped. I believe in years to come there will be a flood of Chinese evangelists taking the message of Jesus to every corner of the Middle East.
The above excerpt was taken from Dr. Terry Law’s book, The Power of Praise & Worship.
After years of development and a successful pilot program, China Mission School (CMS) is ready to launch to a larger audience of Chinese students this fall. Now 400 students are currently studying CMS and 1000 more are ready to begin their training.
All of these students carry the passionate vision Uncle Z also carried. They are eager to plant life-giving churches among the unreached people groups in China, the Middle East, and beyond. We are honored to partner with the Chinese church for this incredible mission.
You can learn more about CMS here or help launch this missionary population into the Muslim world by providing a sponsorship to a student below.