
Great News From Iraq

Watch our brief three-video series below from Jason Law to hear all the breakthroughs on our recent trip to Iraq.

Watch our brief three-video series below from Jason Law to hear all the breakthroughs on our recent trip to Iraq.

Creating a Culture of Love

What happens when the Church unites together? It creates a Culture of Love.

In this quick video, Jason Law shares how our unity creates a culture of love that people are naturally drawn to and how this culture is changing lives in the Middle East.

Religious Freedom in the Middle East

What a contrast: On one side of Kurdistan’s border in northern Iraq, ISIS slaughters thousands who refuse to conform to their radical view of Islam. On the other side, a government seeks to protect the right of all citizens to choose their faith.

Watch this video from Jason Law to see how the Kurdish people are taking steps to ensure freedom of religion in their region and why the Church must support the Kurdish people during this time.

Expanding into a New City

God is opening a door and preparing the way for us to take new ground and target a new city in Kurdistan. Watch our last video update to see how God is giving us favor to reach 4,900 new refugees in northern Iraq with the Gospel message!

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News + Stories

Explore thought-provoking articles, interviews, and events that encourage a deeper understanding of how our beliefs can positively impact society and inspire meaningful change.

Mobilizing Disciples to Bring Relief

Our network of pastors are uniquely positioned to bring relief and share the message of Jesus to thousands in this war-torn country.

The Persecuted Pastors of Iran

Over the past several months the church in Iran has been experiencing increased persecution and surveillance.

Entrenched in the Rebuild of Iraq

Let's continue to reach people, introduce them to the message of Jesus and make disciples through compassion evangelism in Iraq!
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    We welcome any questions, comments, or inquiries about our organization and mission. Through relief work, church partnerships, discipleship training, and leadership development, we aim to spread the transformative love of Christ. Contact us to learn more, partner in our mission, or share any prayer requests.