
An Undeniable Miracle

Last month, we met with church leaders from Iran to discuss how World Compassion can serve the Church in Iran. The conclusion? Bibles and prayer. One of the leaders made this point by telling us his powerful first-hand journey with a woman whose life was transformed by a Bible.

Last month, we met with church leaders from Iran to discuss how World Compassion can serve the Church in Iran. The conclusion? Bibles and prayer. One of the leaders made this point by telling us his powerful first-hand journey with a woman whose life was transformed by a Bible.

Mira [name changed for security] was a lady with an unknown disease and who felt sick all the time. People would pray for her in the Mosque and holy places to no avail and she was tired of going to the doctors. She was sick for over 20 years and was very weak and thin, with nothing but skin and bones left of her.

I approached her and asked, “I’m not a doctor, but since you’ve tried all this medicine and holy business, do you want to try coming to my gathering? If it doesn’t work, you can go and leave it.”

I invited her to our small church gathering, and she came several times. When she was praying and worshiping, she began to shake and feel different. Her eyes became blinded, her voice changed, and someone else addressed us from her body asking, “What do you want from us? We are comfortable here.”

We asked the voice who they were and they answered, “There are hundreds of us in this person. Why are you bothering us? We want to stay.”

I ordered them to leave this lady, but they kept refusing. They responded, “It’s our responsibility to take her to the grave.”

I prayed over Mira to cast out demons, but it didn’t work immediately. We discovered the root of her sickness she has been dying from was her condition of being demon possessed. When she came to be normal again after the prayers, she sensed that something had happened to her, but still she was not healed.

We gathered a group of leaders to pray over her one more time, and we prayed for her for four hours. We began to see a bunch of demons coming out of her while we were praying for her. After all the demons were cast out, Mira’s health immediately began to improve and her personality changed.

Aware of her miraculous healing, she asked us how we did it and what medication we used. I sensed it wasn’t the right time to explain to her, so I told her to keep coming back to the gatherings and she would find out. Once I finally told her that it was by name of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit that came on her, she believed it but couldn’t accept it.

Mira was a devoted Muslim from a religious family, so she was very conflicted. She could not deny the miracle that happened to her, but I could not convince her to accept Christ. So I gave her a Bible to read and find it out for herself.

She disappeared for four months after I gave the Bible to her, until I received a phone call from her saying she believed in Jesus and wanted to follow Him. Day to day she is getting better to the astonishment of the people who tried to help her.

As a result, those who saw her condition change so radically came to check out our group and see for themselves how this miracle happened. Many of these are still meeting with us seeking Christ, including one of the doctors.

This incredible testimony story shows that 1) God is reaching many in Iran through signs and wonders and 2) Bibles are essential for reaching those who experience these miracles. Mira could not deny the miracle that changed her life, but she still lacked the truth she needed to believe and follow Christ.
A miracle caused her to believe, but a Bible convinced her to follow.

Bibles have been banned for over 30 years and are extremely hard to come by in Iran, even for Christians. We are working hard and enduring great risks to get Bibles into the hands of Christians in Iran, so they may share the Word of God with their neighbors that are seeking Christ. If Mira had not been given a Bible, she may not have ever given her life to Christ.

You can empower other believers and Muslims seeking Truth with the Word of God by sending 2 Bibles for $5 today.

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