While we were in Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) in January meeting refugees who had fled Syria because of the devastation of the civil war, we met a man named Mustafa and his family. His wife told us about their struggle to start a new life in the refugee camp.
“My husband just had heart surgery. I am blessed to still have him, the doctors say 50% of people who go through the surgery will not live. But it has made life very hard. It’s difficult to find medicines for this. We have to go 30 minutes away to the nearby city and visit other doctors, but rarely do we get what we need.
The situation is so hard here because some people can work, but my husband can’t. He is more concerned about not working than he is about his heart. He hates resting. We have very little compared to the other families. My kids can’t go to the bazaar and buy snacks like other kids. It’s nothing really, but for the kids, it’s a big deal.”
The opportunity we have to provide for our own family is often something we take for granted. Mustafa, like many other good fathers living in the refugee camp, desires to be the protector and provider for his family. When you partner with World Compassion, you provide desperately needed food, ministry, and supplemental items to families in need. This ensures that families do not go without what they need, while fathers like Mustafa can get back on their feet.
You can help Mustafa be the hero for his family.