
2015 Game Plan

I don’t know about you, but the World Compassion team has already hit the ground running in 2015. Before we get too far into the New Year, we want to take a moment to celebrate our accomplishments in 2014 and set our expectations for the year ahead.

I don’t know about you, but the World Compassion team has already hit the ground running in 2015. Before we get too far into the New Year, we want to take a moment to celebrate our accomplishments in 2014 and set our expectations for the year ahead.


2014 was one of the most impactful years of ministry we have ever had thanks to the amazing team of partners we have around the world! Take a look at the goals we accomplished together last year:

  • We hosted the Grand Opening for our orphanage
  • We finished translation of ABC Bible Training Curriculum into Burmese
  • We delivered 11,200 Bibles to Iran
  • We hosted the first Living Sound concert in over 27 years
  • We Launched Ministry Training Center for 40 church planting students
  • We provided ministry training and leadership materials for 4,692 future church leaders in Burma and China
  • We showed God’s love to 24 children who did not have a family by building them a home and providing for every need they have
  • We trained 950 women and children in Afghanistan to read, write, and operate a computer
  • We helped answer the prayers of tens of thousands of refugees living in tents and unfinished buildings in Iraq by providing food, blankets, and heaters to keep them warm
  • We saw hundreds of people around the world accept Christ as their savior2015 GOALS

As great as 2014 was, we are expecting even greater things in the year to come. Here are a few highlights we are looking forward to in 2015:

  • Provide 160 tons of aid to refugees in the Middle East
  • Plant 3 new churches (1 in Iraq and 2 in Burma)
  • Host 2 Living Sound Concert events (1 in Burma and 1 in the Middle East) and train our local church partners to keep this type of outreach going
  • Train 1,500 additional church leaders through our ABC Bible Training and China Missions School programs in China (This is in addition to the 2,290 currently going through these two programs.)
  • Host annual leadership conferences in China and Burma for over 400 church leaders
  • Build a new ministry training center in Burma
  • Deliver 33,000 Bibles into Iran
  • Adopt an additional 24 orphans into the children’s home in Burma

Each of the goals we have outlined are projects that usually occur at the same time, requiring a committed and consistent team to see them through. To put it into perspective, every month we are working to acquire, ship, organize and distribute food to thousands of refugees.  Every month we also take care of orphans and train the next generation of pastors in Burma.

Every month we interact with pastors in over 70 different cities throughout China, monitoring the progress of over 2,500 future Chinese church leaders.  We teach, train, coach, and lead our staff and other church leaders in countries every single week.

We are going to continue building and expanding upon all the ministry programs we had last year, but we need your help.  It costs roughly $280,000 to run all of these ministries every single month!

Would you please ask God to show you what He would have you give this month to all that World Compassion is doing around the world?

As we go throughout this year, we’ll breakdown the opportunities before us, share stories and keep you up to speed on the impact were making. Click here to sign up for our email updates.

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World Compassion Terry Law Ministries d/b/a World Compassion and its affiliates are not a part of nor associated with Compassion International. Your gift will be used for these projects and many other outreaches of World Compassion Terry Law Ministries.

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